RPM - ECU Coil Adapter

The AiM RPM-ECU Coil Adapter (ARP03) ensures stable RPM signals from the coil and ECU, providing accurate readings. Specifically beneficial for ECUs without CAN output, its waveform-cleaning feature enhances versatility for various vehicle setups

ECU coil adapter ECU coil adapter

A Closer Look

To AiM Device

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GND, V Battery, RPM Form cables

To Coil/ECU

RPM ECU 4-50v & RPM Coil 150-400v cables

RPM ECU 4-50v & RPM Coil 150-400v cables

RPM-ECU coil adapter is helpful for:

ECU’s Without CAN Output

The AiM RPM-ECU Coil Adapter (ARP03) is crucial for stabilising RPM signals from both the coil and ECU, ensuring accuracy. It's especially valuable for vehicles without CAN output in their ECUs, playing a vital role in obtaining precise RPM data.